
CDATA and XHTML Validation

15:16 19/04/2007, in Coding

Recently I had to deal with some validation issues. When your code can not be validated due to some strange characters, or whatever things have to be there, we use CDATA mark to make it ignored by the parser.

Continue with “CDATA and XHTML Validation”

How unlucky I am

01:37 06/04/2007, in Mine

Man you just can’t believe how unlucky I am with this *beep*ing Software Engineering course. The night I have to prepare my slides for the presentation in the next morning, my ISP is down. Then I can’t have any information and have to delay it.

Then, tonight, when I’m writing my paper to be printed and submitted in about 5 hours, the server at www.tzi.de is DOWN!! Unbelievable! What will I do now without their articles?

Damn it!

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