
Few things you need to know about OSX86

21:09 27/08/2007, in Tips & Tricks

I’ve been digging SO MUCH into OSX86 recently. I’ve been through the crazy moment, and pleasure as well. I managed to install OSX86 successfully on my PC, and failed on my Laptop. Here’s some must-know facts, as far as I know, that I would like to share with you. Hope this will help people with issues similar to my encountered issues.

  1. Legal: To install Mac OS X on your PC is illegal unless you have a license (per machine) from Apple. And you will have a patched (hacked) kernel to run it too. You will find some useful information from an IRC server at fusion.osx86.hu. This is a nice community. And if you use a hacked version and update with Mac’s software update, your OS will not boot again.
  2. CPU: To install Mac OS X you will need at least a CPU supports PAE and SSE2. SSE3 is recommended too. To know which instructions set your CPU are capable of, you can use some program like CPU-Z or Everest.
  3. Hard disk: (P)ATA hard disk drives is supported. Almost SATA hard disk is supported except the MCP5x/6x SATA Controller of nForce nVidia mainboard. If you have that kind of mainboard, you should use an IDE or external USB HDD to install OS X on to. Or you will just leave it as I left my laptop.
  4. kexts: Kernel extensions are build similar to drivers to make your PC’s hardware running well in Mac OS. If your hardware is not working, or being malfunction, you should find proper kext to make it run. The kext might be existed, or not. Everytime you have new kexts installed, you have to make sure those kexts have the right permissions and the kext cache is cleared.
    The easiest way to fix kexts permission is go for sudo diskutil repairPermissions / on your terminal.
    And to clear kext cache, boot with -f parameter.
  5. CI/QE: Core Image and Quartz Extreme is two video acceleration functions available in Mac OS. To enable it with your Video Adapter, you have to install Titan, Natit or NVInject. If you are using a AGP card, you might have to install AGPGart kernel extension as well.
  6. BSD: Mac OS X use a BSD-liked system, so you should prepare some minimal *nix knowledge. The most common command is cp (copy), rm (remove), mv (move/rename).

That’s it for today. I will update if I found something else.

  1. UPDATE 2007, Oct 15:
    If your keyboard didn’t work, boot your system with -s parameter and type these
    cd /System/Library/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext/Contents/Plugins
    mv ApplePS2Mouse.kext ApplePS2Mouse.kext.bak
    mv ApplePS2Trackpad.kext ApplePS2Trackpad.kext.bak
    reboot now

    Then boot your OS with -f to clear the kext caches. Your keyboard will work again

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